A good idea in itself is not such an unreachable goal. Yet, creating one is already something completely different and far more difficult. But why is this so?
If we take into account the thousands of years of human history, we will see we have left a valuable legacy of knowledge, ideas, experiences, and discoveries that are impossible to ignore.
The need for new and fresh ideas has circulated in the past and will circulate for a long time to come. That is why we can often even find the good ideas that have come to us have come to someone else before. Simply because the world has constantly needed a mass of people to move it forward. And so it turns out that our search paths are not as different as we thought.
However, all of this should not stop us from identifying a way to generate good ideas. Because those people to whom we owe the current image of the world we know have not given up. Just because it’s hard, don’t mean it’s impossible. Everyone has their deviations from the beaten path and newly discovered paths. And some of them deserve a dose of attention. Regardless of the feeling that our direction is a common one, despite the concern that we are unable to create beyond the limits of the standard and the known, we must try. Otherwise, the process of coming up with a brilliant idea always seems complex, somehow unfinished. But later, already discovered, it seems to show us the way to its realization. Put differently, things are getting considerably simpler, and we are absolutely satisfied.
So, let’s move on to the essential question, namely HOW. How are ideas born? Because it would be great to have a system in place and fixed steps to follow, that would push us. Through a proven method, a brilliant idea becomes easily accessible. Unfortunately, such a system does not exist and cannot be created. However, what everyone can rely on as a start is to rely on their own perceptions. And through them to draw inspiration.
The senses are our means to orient ourselves in the world, to recognize its texture. When we use them actively, they find far more colorful pictures in front of us than the ones we perceive in our daily lives. If we want to create new and good ideas, we will need our senses. To really listen, to open our eyes and really look through them, to use what we take as information from our senses, all this is a great impetus to generate ideas. It is not uncommon for solutions to certain problems to come in very ordinary situations. We expect that we need the extraordinary to be inspired, but sometimes all we need is, for example, just someone’s random remark.
Once we have trained senses to recognize the potential for a good idea, several other factors bring us closer to it. For example, the first thing to keep in mind when creating something new is that it is the fruit of the unknown. The unknown territory has its own unknown unwritten rules. In other words, we are not sure if the same methods of work apply to us, the same concepts we are used to. Still, we need this unfamiliar territory. And we need to use it properly.
The unknown territory can be composed of the most various matter. She is everything that is new and provocative for you. It is a given problem that needs to be solved. She is your new boss, your new work team, the new debates you lead, the different worldviews you encounter, every obstacle that catches up with you. It is everything that requires you to react in a way you have never done before. It is a challenge – something that everyone needs to build.
And now that we know that we must use the unknown to give birth to good ideas, we also know that we must look for it. Let’s be careful where to find it if it hasn’t found us first. And if it doesn’t just find us, we have to look for it. Let’s knock on the door ourselves to open it. Let’s create a situation in which we are uncomfortable.
The second thing to anticipate is not to throw the individual entirely into these unknown waters. Simply because it will be completely lost. There will be too many things at once to deal with and he won’t know how (just because he hasn’t done it before). Therefore, it is best to stand with one foot in the so-called. safe area, and with the other in the unexplored one. This will help the harmony in the process of finding a new idea.
Once the unknown factor is present, the next step is to generate as many ideas as possible. No matter how absurd they may be. Since we cannot expect all our ideas to be good, even if they are realistically applicable, we must trust the process and keep trying until it happens. The idea is to have more filter material. In addition, one can start small. Ingenious ideas do not come by themselves. A person capable of giving birth to good but small ideas, useful for everyday life, is far more likely to one day invent something big. In this way, this process of creation is consolidated and smoothed. Gradually, a “system” is established – albeit too abstract and individual, on which the work is going best. We just have to be patient. These things take time.
So, good ideas are not just the fruit of ingenious minds. Yes, sometimes we need a little luck to make it work, but the essence of the process just requires hard work. Each method takes energy. And we need to give space to our mind to work specifically on this task. And because everyone needs their individual inspiration to get started, generating good ideas is not an exact science. It all depends on the demand of the individual. It depends on the non-standard perspective that we create for ourselves.